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Database Programming Tools

/rdb Generator

Six Sigma CASE, Inc

/rdb Generator is an output generator that creates files to be used with/rdb. Each table in the Canonizer database becomes a separate /rdbdatabase file. Each data item in a table becomes a column in thecorresponding database. The database files have the same name as thetable they are derived from with an extension of ".rdt" appended./rdb Generator also creates a program file with the same name as theCanonizer database, with an ".rdb" extension added. This file suppliesinformation useful when using the database files, and is not required by/rdb itself. In comments, the file shows which items are in eachdatabase, each data item's type, and whether the item should be not nullor unique.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0

Six Sigma CASE, Inc
13456 SE 27th Pl Suite 210
Bellevue, WA 98005
Phone: (206) 643-6911
        (800) 827-4462
Fax: (206) 641-7501